Acura NSX Driving
Photo courtesy Acura
There are naturally opposing forces in the world. Delicious and healthy. Attractive and humble. Government and efficient. It’s not that these two concepts can’t co-exist, but they too rarely do. Another common contradiction in the automotive world is technology and fun. Typically, the more advanced a car is the less visceral and emotional the driving experience. Just ask the air-cooled 911 acolytes. Or the manual transmission teamsters. Or the Ferrari F40 fanbase. Each of these automotive archetypes has been eclipsed by more advanced technology. And dedicated old-school fans don’t care. They’ll argue, quite compellingly, the superiority of the original versions all day long, claiming technology might mean superior performance, but it always means inferior enjoyment.
Acura NSX Front
Photo courtesy Acura
Thankfully, the 2017 Acura NSX overcomes this natural contradiction by combining some of the most advanced automotive technology currently available with some of the most engaging driving dynamics available from any era. How has Acura bridged this gap? By leveraging cutting edge automotive tech to improve the new NSX’s performance while also painstakingly tuning its responses to driver input. Remember, in today’s world there is no direct mechanical link between driver controls and the vehicle systems they influence. Instead, a series of sensors translates what the driver does to the steering wheel, shift paddles and pedals into corresponding reactions from the car’s various components. If this sounds like a recipe for soul-sucking seat time in modern cars…well, oftentimes it is, thus the reason so many driving enthusiasts prefer vintage models over their more “advanced” descendants.
Acura NSX Front Track
Photo courtesy Acura
However, just as electric-power-steering systems have evolved from lifeless to life-affirming in the past decade, today’s supercars are being tuned by engineers who know how to transmit meaningful data from the drivetrain, suspension, brakes and wheels to a car’s primary controls…even if the data comes in the form of zeros and ones rather than mechanical components. The 2017 NSX’s confidence-bolstering behavior, particularly when driven in anger on a race track, confirms Acura’s engineering savvy. For instance, not only does its optional carbon-ceramic brake system stop with eye-bulging authority, it also offers linear and extremely intuitive pedal feedback. As any experienced enthusiast will confirm, you can’t go really fast until you’re confident in your ability to slow down. The 2017 NSX has the most confidence-inspiring brakes I’ve ever experienced.
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