Bread is no more a healthy food, contains cancer causing chemicals

Bread is no more a healthy food, contains cancer causing chemicals

bread-not-healthy A typical middle-class family starts its day with the ‘healthy’ breakfast; when they take out bread from the toaster that is brown; hence healthy, spreads butter over it and waters it down either with milk, tea or coffee.
But, are they enjoying a healthy breakfast
Far from it, as a CSE (Center for Science and Environment), a New Delhi-based public interest organization revealed in its recent study, that  their favorite, ‘health’ brown bread that has just 22 percent whole wheat flour and color to make it brown, has dangerous and internationally banned carcinogenic chemicals.
Just a few days ago, its study showed that 84 per cent of bread and bakery samples collected from the city—New Delhi—contain residues of potassium bromate, potassium iodate or both. And, these chemicals, according to Indian food regulations, can be used by bread makers and bakeries as flour treatment agents. Potassium bromate helps achieve high rising and a uniform finish. They may provide an eye-catching shape to the bread, but they are highly dangerous to human health.
Popularly used in many parts of the world a few decades ago, potassium bromate was allowed based on the assumption that no residue of bromate would be found in the final product. However, studies began to find detectable residues of bromate in finished products. Other studies showed that bromate was a possible carcinogen. In the 1980s and early 1990s, global scientific expert committees began reducing the allowed limit of use for bromate. They were found to be carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, associated with the World Health Organization in 1986.
Eventually, they recommended not using potassium bromate at all, a warning that was heeded in many countries. Potassium iodate is also banned in many countries as it can lead to higher intake of iodine, which can potentially affect thyroid function. But India continues to allow the use of these treatment agents, exposing people to the risk of consuming them through bread and bakery items.
But, in India, they are permitted. While the maximum level of use of potassium bromate and/or iodate in bread is set at 50 ppm (parts per million), maximum level of use of potassium bromate in flour for bakery is set at 20 ppm and the maximum use limit of potassium bromate is set at 20 ppm in refined wheat flour, if used for bakery.